Форекс harmonic analyzer
Форекс индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5: торговля по паттерну Летучая мышь
Форекс индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5 дает сигналы на вход в рынок на основании гармонического паттерна Гартли «Летучая мышь».
Форекс индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5 предназначен для трейдеров, которые используют в торговле гармонические паттерны Гартли.
Индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5 ищет на ценовом графике валютной пары гармонический паттерн Гартли «Летучая мышь» и отображает на ценовом графике элементы паттерна, а также рекомендации по точке входа в рынок, уровням стоп-лосс и тейк-профит.
Форекс индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5
По мнению экспертов журнала ForTrader, форекс индикатор Harmonic Patterns v 1.5 может стать отличным дополнением к любой торговой стратегии, использующей гармонические паттерны Гартли.
Harmonic Panel — индикатор для легкого трейдинга по Гармоническим паттернам
Гармонические паттерны – это периодически возникающие геометрические фигуры, выявленные в ходе графического анализа котировок инструмента, построенные на трендовых линиях ценовых движений по размерам, взятым из соотношений Фибоначчи .
Главное достоинство этих моделей – предсказание будущего направления и глубины тренда, масштабируемость сигнала на все временные отрезки (таймфреймы). В сегодняшнем материале мы рассмотрим индикатор-помощник, который выполнит за вас всю рутину по поиску и идентификации Гармонических паттернов на графике.
Характеристики индикаторов
Платформа: MetaTrader 4
Валютные пары: любые
Таймфрейм: от М1 и выше
Время торговли: любое
Рекомендуемые брокеры: Alpari, RoboForex, InstaForex
Что за Гармонические паттерны ?
Как известно, колебания котировок на графике (коррекции и тренды) часто укладываются в закономерность коэффициентов Фибоначчи. В рамках любого направленного движения трейдер может заранее спрогнозировать глубину отката и уровень разворота, как по цене, так и по времени. Достаточно выбрать точку отсчета (обычно начало роста или падения) и растянуть на графике линии, каналы, веер, дуги, расширения или временные зоны из стандартного набора инструментов Metatrader из подраздела «Фибоначчи»
Вне зависимости от формации, при построении везде будет соблюдена пропорция коэффициентов стандартного ряда: 0; 23,6; 38.2; 50, 61.80; 78.6; 100 и т.д. На рисунке отчетливо видно, как линии, лучи и вертикальные уровни взаимодействуют друг с другом, предсказывая и усиливая сигналы будущих разворотных (пивотных) точек:
Это свойство впервые подметил Эллиотт и применил в создании волновой теории — пропорции помогали определять вершину и основание волн.
Песавенто показал, как с помощью пропорций Фибоначчи находить и строить более сложные геометрические конструкции. За частое повторение на графике и одинаковую пропорциональность отрезков этих фигур он назвал их гармоническими паттернами , а открыты они были в 1935 году Гарольдом Гартли.
Трейдеры впоследствии заменили слово «гармонические» на имя автора, а «паттерн» на конкретное название фигуры. Первая из них, собранная из отрезков, проведенных по точкам на уровнях Фибоначчи, напоминала бабочку.
Остальные модификации получили отдаленно похожие на их изображение названия — от рыб до летучих мышей.
Гармонические паттерны высоко ценились за точность и долгосрочность сигналов разворота/продолжения тренда и представляют собой полноценную торговую систему. Ее минусом была сложность обнаружения и построения формации. На это были способны «трейдеры-следопыты», лишенные эмоций и с заглушенным ассоциативным мышлением.
Индикаторы Harmonic Panel решают эту проблему, используя код, позволяющий алгоритмизировать поиск гармонических паттернов на всех таймфреймах и инструментах, доступных в MT4.
Код решает три задачи:
- Обнаружение редких гармонических паттернов;
- Поиск по всему списку моделей Гартли, Песавенто и Карни;
- Выявление паттернов стадии формирования.
Установка и состав индикаторов Harmonic Panel
Архив с индикаторами содержит три файла в двух папках, названия которых будут подсказкой о пути их размещения. Процесс установки индикаторов в Metatrader универсален и подробно описан в соответствующей статье – «Как установить индикатор в Metatrader 4».
Найдите одноименные папки через опцию «Каталог данных» и не забудьте перезапустить программу после копирования файлов. Запустив Metatrader, откройте окно настроек входных параметров индикаторов, которые можно обнаружить:
- Через окно Навигатора;
- Используя Меню «Вставка», опция «Индикаторы» в списке «Пользовательские».
Обратите внимание, что третий индикатор Rare Harmonic Panel отстоит в стороне от Harmonic Panel и Harmonic Panel Forecast.
Индикаторы не привязаны к графику и таймфрейму, поэтому их можно перетаскивать из панели Навигатора или прикреплять через опцию «Индикаторы» в любое открытое окно инструмента MetaTrader 4. Результатом работы и корректного запуска станет появление таблицы со списком сканируемых валютных пар и найденных фигур.
Несмотря на схожесть таблиц и обнаруженных моделей, в трех индикаторах Harmonic Panel они различаются:
- Harmonic Panel Rare и Harmonic Panel – набором моделей;
- Harmonic Panel Forecast – наличием функции «incompleted», обозначающей стадию формирования паттерна.
На рисунке ниже приведены две таблицы с одинаковыми настройками поиска гармонических паттернов на промежутке от M1 до MN. Различие в количестве вариантов наблюдается визуально, также отчетливо видно, что слева в индикаторе Rare колонка Pattern содержит непохожие с аналогичной колонкой справа названия. Harmonic Panel Rare определяет только редкие виды паттернов.
Как видно из рисунка выше, каждая модель появляется в таблице только после окончания формирования, по прошествии некоторого числа баров, указанных в колонке «Age». Если сравнить две таблицы Harmonic Panel и Harmonic Panel Forecast, то в последней есть строки «incompleted». Нажав на окно с наименованием таймфрейма и инструмента, трейдер может наблюдать стадию завершения формирования фигуры, что может помочь ему сделать предварительные выводы о будущем развороте или продолжении тренда.
Настройки индикаторов Harmonic Panel
Настройки трех индикаторов затрагивают диапазон, ценовую точность, таймфрейм, выбор типов определяемых моделей, функциональные особенности работы: выбор пар, таймфреймов, цветовая гамма и т.д. Основное окно находится во вкладке «Входные параметры», разделенной на блоки:
Dasboard Setting – определяет порядок показа строк в отображаемой таблице и параметры сканирования на предмет нахождения моделей:
- Symbols – набор конкретных инструментов, по умолчанию это валютные пары, но трейдер может вписать любые другие активы (акции, фьючерсы).
Важно! Перепишите названия валютных пар, если брокер публикует их не в общепринятом формате, например, с приставками mUSD или другие обозначения.
- Is M1…MN Timeframe Enabled – набор таймфреймов, которые включены (режим true) для поиска гармонических паттернов;
- Sort By – выбор колонки, по которой будут отсортированы дынные. По числу столбцов доступно 6 видов фильтров с идентичным названием режима сортировки;
- Sort Type – определяет порядок сортировки по выбранному выше фильтру: возрастание (Ascendent) или убывание (Descendent).
Indicator Setting – непосредственные настройки индикатора для поиска моделей на графике:
- SwingSearchDepth – период индикатора, количество таймфреймов, в границах которых идет поиск моделей;
- PriceProximityPercent – процент допустимой погрешности вычислений;
- Display: Points, Ratios, Lines – опция в режиме «true» отображает сопутствующие построению модели основные точки, отрезки и коэффициенты Фибоначчи (см. правила построения в статье « Гармонические паттерны »);
- Display: Bat, Gartley, Crab, Butterfly, Cypher, Shark – название моделей, которые в режиме «true» будут отображаться на графике, а при включенной опции «false» скрыты;
- MaxHistoryBar – отрезок истории по числу баров, на котором модели будут сохранены.
Display Setting – настройки цветовой гаммы моделей, толщины линий отрезков, надписей, а также размеров шрифтов:
- BullPatternsCollor – цвет модели, сигнализирующей о будущем росте цены;
- Bear PatternsCollor – цвет модели, прогнозирующей падение котировок;
- LineStyle – стиль отрезков, из которых построена модель;
- DottedLineColor – цвет вспомогательных линий гармоничного паттерна;
- LabelFontSize – размер шрифта текстовых меток;
- LabelColor – цвет текстовых меток.
Alert Setting – система уведомлений: звуковых во время работы в терминале, отправка e-mail и push сообщений.
Настройки других двух индикаторов отличаются от вышеприведенных:
- Harmonic Panel Forecast — наличием двух функций: BullIncompletedPanelColor и BullIncompletedPanelColor, определяющих цветовую гамму формирующихся гармонических паттернов;
- Rare Harmonic Panel — наличием строк Display с перечислением редко возникающих на графике моделей: Alternative Bat, Three Drives, AB=CD, 5-0, Alternative AB=CD, Deep Crab.
Описание принципов действия индикаторов Harmonic Panel
Чтобы использовать индикаторы Harmonic Panel, трейдеру необязательно вникать в таинства геометрии построения гармонических паттернов. Достаточно простого понимания, что это сигнал на покупку, если имеет место бычья модель и на продажу, если это медвежья формация.
По окончании формирования последней точки фигуры цены могут совершить движение вверх или вниз, как минимум на 50% и максимум на 100% (и выше) ее границ. На примере ниже трейдер наблюдает Bullish Butterfly – бычью бабочку, что теоретически гарантирует восходящее движение из точки окончания формирования (1) фигуры, до ключевых X или В и вполне возможно, что и выше максимальной «вершины крыла».
Существование «границ хода» тренда определяет важный параметр «Age», определяющий время, прошедшее с момента формирования паттерна. Например, фигура Cypher («шифр»), которую трейдеры часто называют «Снайпером» за частую отработку сигнала, уже образовалась. Трейдер может попробовать занять позицию в лонг, учитывая расцветку фигуры, указание ожидаемого направления движения котировок в таблице (плюс на графике будет подпись Bullish).
Если модель отработала достаточно давно и цена взяла ключевые уровни тейк-профитов (вышла за границы) паттерна, то ее считают отработанной и не рассматривают для входа. Старайтесь ориентироваться на максимальную длительность «Age», равную периоду или глубине показателя, указанного в SwingSearchDepth.
Выбор и отображение конкретных гармонических паттернов на графике происходит передвижением ползунка, расположенного на правой стороне таблицы. Так же можно нажать на окно с названием инструмента и ТФ. Отображение модели и смена инструмента и временного формата графика произойдет автоматически.
Чтобы торговать с первых свечей после образования паттерна — трейдеры могут пользоваться индикатором Harmonic Panel Forecast. Выбрав и отобразив из таблицы строку с моделью incompleted, трейдер должен осознавать риск возможной «перерисовки».
Гарольд Гартли и последователи не выделяли конкретно «любимые или нелюбимые» паттерны, в книгах по трейдингу также нет исследований и доказательств превалирования эффективности сигнала той или иной формации. Однако некоторые трейдеры считают, что необычные и редко встречаемые их виды дают некое преимущество в торговле. Поэтому был создан отдельный индикатор Rare, где собраны только редко встречающиеся гармонические паттерны (чем и объясняется малый выбор их вариантов в таблице, несмотря на обилие инструментов и таймфреймов для поиска).
Виды гармонических паттернов, описываемые индикаторами Harmonic Panel
Наблюдательный Гарольд Гартли открыл свойство рынка вести себя предсказуемым образом (расти или падать), после возникновения определенной формации из трех волн. Он обозначил отрезками AB, ВC и CD, которым может предшествовать некая волна XA и определил фигуру, названную бабочкой. Пропорциональная укладка волн, в границы «крыльев», являлась основным требованием предсказуемости последующего тренда.
Именно поэтому паттерн Gartley является самой пропорциональной и наиболее узнаваемой фигурой, у которой AB=CD и определенные точки В и D привязаны к уровням Фибоначчи 61,8 и 78,6.
Это правило привязки отрезков и точек придумал Песавенто, более широко истолковавший варианты расположения «крыльев бабочки». Поэтому модель Butterfly более вариативно определяет размах крыльев и длину отрезков, допуская использование целого ряда различных коэффициентов Фибоначчи, не привязываясь к конкретному значению.
Паттерн «Летучая мышь» (Bat ) открыт в 2001 году, он похож на «бабочку», но расстояние XD кратно или близко к коэффициенту 0.886, открытому Д. Кейном, при извлечении корня 4-1 степени из уровня Фибоначчи 0.681.
Модель Cypher («кефир», «шифр», «Снайпер») является относительно легко узнаваемой фигурой из-за особенности волны ВС. У других гармонических паттернов она редко заходит за отрезок XA, тогда как у «шифра» это является отличительной особенностью:
Еще одним таким примером выхода отрезка BC за пределы XA является гармонический паттерн «акула» (Shark) , момент образования которого выдает «плавник» треугольника XAB. Формация была открыта в 2011 году.
Паттерн «Краб» получил свое название из-за особенности малого размера отрезка AB относительно пропорций CD и XA, которая делает «закрашенные» треугольники больше похожими на «клешни», а не на крылья бабочки.
Фигура AB=CD раскрывает принцип поиска этого паттерна в своем названии. По сути это геометрический параллелограмм, сторонники теории волн Эллиотта видят в нем классические коррекционные три волны.
Паттерн 5-0 считается наиболее точно отрабатываемым, где соблюдается, как и в выше рассмотренном случае, параллельность и равенство сторон и значительная протяженность волны ВС (это чем-то напоминает правило третьей волны Эллиотта).
Три движения (Three Drivers), это редкая модель паттерна, где расстояние между 1-2-3 и длина АВ и CD стремятся к тождественности. При этом цифровые точки расположены практически на одной линии.
В 2002 году Скотт Карни, разочаровавшись в торговле по паттерну «Летучая мышь», предложил свой вариант, который вошел в историю теханализа как «Alternate Bat». Шаблон отличался от остальных коэффициентом 1.13 и использованием соотношения 1.618 AB=CD
Соотношение AB=CD – краеугольный камень теории о гармонических паттернах, но примененное выше соотношение 1.618 AB=CD привело к созданию модели «Alternate AB=CD», у которой волна CD заканчивается на коэффициентах 1.27 и 1.68:
Скот Карни был основным искателем альтернативных моделей. Вычисляя новые пропорции гармонических паттернов, он обнаружил модель Deep Crab с более глубокой коррекции точки B по отношению к волне XA. Он установил ее на уровне 88.6% отката, что делало трудной задачу определения этой формации, которая отличается от других «короткой» волной AB.
Более подробно об истории создания, способах и методиках построения, а также методов использования гармонических паттернов можно прочитать в специальном тематическом обзоре .
Графический анализ — это сложная часть теории трейдинга из-за доли субъективизма в правилах построения моделей. Гармонические паттерны — не исключение, даже несмотря на привязку к Фибоначчи, — тема закрыта для многих трейдеров именно по причине сложности определения, где начинается точка формирования модели.
Индикаторы будут интересны широкому кругу участников торгов на Форекс как учебное пособие по построению графических моделей, новый инструмент для трейдинга или дополнительный фильтр в стратегии.
Если вы решитесь применить формации, открытые Гартли, или исследовать их результативность, всегда помните, что они подчиняются общим аксиомам, открытым со времен Чарльза Доу: модели работают по тренду, часто совпадают на разных таймфреймах и коррелируют в парах с долларом США.
47# Harmonic Pattern Filtered
Support and Resistance or TMA Centered Bands
Cyclometric or esoterism applied to trading
Submit by joy22
The harmonic patterns are geometric figures that are formed in the trend of market prices represented in a spatial sense. (here we do not want to face the temporal dimension). In the lottery this method is called cyclometry. In reality it is a sapiential knowledge based on the isoteric numerology of the number 3. The perfect number . The triangle and the geometric figures based on the triangle are a representation. This is just a simple introduction of the question to give input to the reader. Other interesting figures to study and encode are the rectangle, the square, the rhombus, the pentagon and the circle. So if you apply in the trading the golden spiral of fibonacci, the beam of Gann, the retracements of Murrey Math why not deepen the study of price patterns based on the cyclometric figures based on 4, 5 and circle, then figures to be discovered and encode.
This also wants to be an invitation to rock stars of the Mql, C, C ++ or C # language to code new price patterns based on cyclometric or numerological figures.
In this sharing we also want to present two simple ways to filter the figures (patterns based on the number 3) to have a greater profitability in the trading activity.
Time Frame 5 min or higher.
Currency pairs: any.
Matatrader 4 indicators
TMA asymmetric centered bands
Support and Resistance indicator.
Filter with TMA asymmetric
The figure is confirmed when it closes outside the bands. An aggressive approach even when closing on the band.
Filter with support and resistance
The figure is confirmed when it closes on a support or a resistance.
It should be noted that the figures can recalculate in time and space, so a spatial filter is searched for interpreting the closing movement of the pattern.
In the pictures Harmonic Pattern Filtered in action.
PTZ Based on Volume Spread Analysis and Harmonic Patterns
Hi Forexfactory friends ,
First thing first i am not an expert or guru i am just a general trader and i like/love learn and share ..
i am Starting this thread for completely free ,nothing to sell. only educational purpose .there is no trade recommendations,trade according to Your stg /system and money management (i will not take any responsibility for your loss)main intention to learn Patterns ,volume spread analysis ,Fibonacci Retracement,Fan,extensionand harmonic pattern. I see many great thread about vsa and harmonic but i like to see my PTZ based on volume spread analysis and Harmonic Pattern.Please share your learning/ideas/overview /Analysis.Article anything interesting..
i Will shere Trading Ideas (only for educational purpose ,no trade recommandations)PTZ (Potential trading Zone)Based on.
Patterns ,volume spread analysis ,Order Flow ,Block order ,Fibonacci Retracement,Fan,extension and harmonic pattern and Favorite TMS/TDI My way many collected/..indi/temp. from net . post/articale/chart/. from my hard disk/stored . so all credit goes to due person.
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Arjun /LE1
And All TMS/TDI lover
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1.entry with reason
2.exit with reason
4.don’t spoil to add lot of indi/temp
5.any suggestion/advice related systems are most welcome.
i have no coding/programming knowledge so don’t ask me for it but any coder/programmer are warmly welcome to enhance/improve /create this system more feasible. acceptable. prof itable
i started this thread before but every time unfortunately goes to commercial sections..i tried many ways to shift free sections but ..no luck.
i learn many thing from forex factory . took many indi/temp/stg/sytem . lot from many fff ..great coders as free so i have no commercial interest it is all free for all fff(forex factory freinds..)i believe in just SHARE and CARE.
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Thread: harmonics expert advisor mt4 free download
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harmonics expert advisor mt4 free download
the EA is a trade manager and give entry signals based on harmonic patterns.
Currency pair : any
Timeframe : any
Updated on : 2020/06/19
Last edited by Johan Van Wyk; 06-20-2020 at 10:35 PM .
The Following User Says Thank You to Johan Van Wyk For This Useful Post:
Hello fellow traders
the EA is a trade manager and give entry signals based on harmonic patterns.
Currency pair : any
Timeframe : any
Updated on : 2020/06/19
This is very good, I also think Harmonics is a very good strategy to make money in forex.
Can you share some screenshots maybe? Is this totally free or only for period?
The Following User Says Thank You to dragon40 For This Useful Post:
The EA is free but has limitations and that is that only the manual mode is active. In the paid version the semi auto and auto modes are also available to use.
The following 2 users say Thank You to Johan Van Wyk for this useful post.
so with manual mode the ea will just show the pattern like an indicator but will not open trade automatically? Still a good program to download and install i think.
The following 2 users say Thank You to Borneo Scalper for this useful post.
Last edited by Johan Van Wyk; 06-26-2020 at 04:41 AM .
There was a flaw in the program which made it to stop trading after a couple of hours but it has been fixed.
The 14 day trial version will begin when you install the program.
[/COLOR]Updated on : 2020/07/03 — if you have downloaded the file before please copy the indicator file again
With this update the user can choose how the EA must trade,either with grid stop orders or with single orders
Last edited by Johan Van Wyk; 07-02-2020 at 01:28 PM .
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Hello fellow traders
Ultima Trade Manager is a trade manager and give entry signals based on harmonic patterns.The EA is multi currency and gives signals on 28 currencies.
When you install the EA you will get a 14 day trial automatically
There are 3 options : manual, auto, semi — auto
The EA does not trade, the EA only gives signals and tools to trade with.
The trader has the option to use the tools and to trade by himself.
If the EA gives a » buy signal » on EURUSD then the trader need to click on the EURUSD button to go the the EURUSD chart and the click on the » buy» option.
The options are «buy order » or » buy grid’. Do the same for a «sell signal «.
The trader needs to open an order manually like in the MANUAL MODE. When there is an open order, the EA will start to trade with that specific open order.
The EA trades will all the «buy and sell signals» on the 28 currencies.
Currency pair : any
Timeframe : any
Updated on : 2020/07/15
if you have downloaded the file before please copy the indicator file again
With this update the user can choose how the EA must trade,either with stop orders or with single orders or combined. The EA has a stop loss and take profit setting it also has a setting where you can choose with how many currencies the EA must trade and there are buttons added which are dynamic so that the user can choose the item he wants to trade with for example gold or oil.
I apologize for all the updates but they are the result of my goal to get the most profitable EA.
I managed to enhance the way the EA handles orders and let them turn into profit.
Please use this EA on default settings, the only drawback is that you need to close all the open orders.
A lady from Singapore and I made a discovery about the EA.
1. It must be installed on only one chart.
2. It must be installed on only one MT4 terminal.
3. It cannot be shared with the same account number (if you bought the EA)
4. You cannot share the MT4 terminal with it and another EA.
The reason is that the EA scan up to 33 currencies and it will clash with another EA which uses the same currency despite different magic numbers.
Your MT4 account numbers are build into the EA when you buy it. You can download updates from MT5 and the EA will recognize your account.
Ultima_Trade-Manager v9.ex4 (211.0 KB) — EA
Gartley v101.ex4 (67.5 KB) — INDICATOR
The Following User Says Thank You to Johan Van Wyk For This Useful Post:
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Harmonic Scanner & Forex Signals & Trade Copier
PRE Harmonic Scanner & Forex Signals & Trade Copier
The New PRE HARMONIC SCANNER for MT4 has a 95% accuracy and it’s highly precise. It’s an NON-REPAINT technical analysis pattern swing scanner based on my trading style.
It’s a VERY WANTED Forex indicator that will show you the swing trade to take, based on the best price entries. The TP1, TP2 and SL will be visible on your charts.
How Many Pips ?
Using my Forex strategies, I trade big swings with heavy lots from daily to 4hr time frames.
I target 5-10%+ growth per month. You can expect an average of 5-20 trades a week as a result of 100 – 300 pips per week.
Swing Trades Examples
EURNZD SWING TRADE = 12000+ PIPS Closed 50% of the trade @ 200 Pips, 25% @ 350 Pips and the …
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I have been trading for 6 years and have been scammed and purchased crappy indicators and only to find out that trading is a very simple endeavor. I am very fortunate to have personally met Mr. Alex Predescu who is a Master Trader, he is so transparent he could be a window lol. he has been running a signal service a short while and through huge success and surprised us all in the Premium members area about the amazing PRE Trader Copier rolling out this week which will replace the signal service, so no more missing the entries etc its all done for you wohoooo! Everything is done on VPS server which means your computer doesn’t need to be on and never miss a trade.
Waaaaahhhh real real real. Your such a smart guy. Ehhhhh I just get connected and see what happened to my account. This is amazing bro. Thanks so much for the big amount of pips.
For the new members, I can tell you that Alex helped me to change my trading style and now I can grow my forex account and withdraw money each month since I have started following his trade copier tool. My profit has constantly grown and now I see how Forex become simple for me because I’m so busy with my other projects.
The New PRE HARMONIC SCANNER for MT4 has a 95% accuracy and it’s highly precise. It’s an NON-REPAINT technical analysis pattern swing scanner based on my trading style.
It’s a VERY WANTED Forex indicator that will show you the swing trade to take, based on the best price entries. The TP1, TP2 and SL will be visible on your charts.
Harmonic Patterns In The Currency Markets
Harmonic price patterns take geometric price patterns to the next level by using Fibonacci numbers to define precise turning points. Unlike other trading methods, Harmonic trading attempts to predict future movements. This is in vast contrast to common methods that are reactionary and not predictive. Let’s look at some examples of how harmonic price patterns are used to trade currencies on the forex market. (Extensions, clusters, channels and more! Discover new ways to put the «golden ratio» to work. See Advanced Fibonacci Applications.) TUTORIAL: The Ultimate Forex Guide
Combine Geometry and Fibonacci Numbers
Harmonic trading combines patterns and math into a trading method that is precise and based on the premise that patterns repeat themselves. At the root of the methodology is the primary ratio, or some derivative of it (0.618 or 1.618). Complementing ratios include: 0.382, 0.50, 1.41, 2.0, 2.24, 2.618, 3.14 and 3.618. The primary ratio is found in almost all natural and environmental structures and events; it is also found in man-made structures. Since the pattern repeats throughout nature and within society, the ratio is also seen in the financial markets, which are affected by the environments and societies in which they trade. (Don’t make these common errors when working with Fibonacci numbers — check out Top 4 Fibonacci Retracement Mistakes To Avoid.)
By finding patterns of varying lengths and magnitudes, the trader can then apply Fibonacci ratios to the patterns and try to predict future movements. The trading method is largely attributed to Scott Carney, although others have contributed or found patterns and levels that enhance performance.
Issues with Harmonics
Harmonic price patterns are extremely precise, requiring the pattern to show movements of a particular magnitude in order for the unfolding of the pattern to provide an accurate reversal point. A trader may often see a pattern that looks like a harmonic pattern, but the Fibonacci levels will not align in the pattern, thus rendering the pattern unreliable in terms of the Harmonic approach. This can be an advantage, as it requires the trader to be patient and wait for ideal set-ups.
Harmonic patterns can gauge how long current moves will last, but they can also be used to isolate reversal points. The danger occurs when a trader takes a position in the reversal area and the pattern fails. When this happens, the trader can be caught in a trade where the trend rapidly extends against them. Therefore, as with all trading strategies, risk must be controlled.
To use the method, a trader will benefit from a chart platform that allows the trader to plot multiple Fibonacci retracements to measure each wave.
The Visual Patterns and How to Trade Them
There is quite an assortment of harmonic patterns, although there are four that seem most popular. These are the Gartley, butterfly, bat and crab patterns.
The Gartley was originally published by H.M. Gartley in his book Profits in the Stock Market and the Fibonacci levels were later added by Scott Carney in his book The Harmonic Trader.
Figure 1: The Gartley Pattern |
The bullish pattern is often seen early in a trend, and it is a sign the corrective waves are ending and an upward move will ensue at point D. All patterns may be within the context of a broader trend or range and traders must be aware of that (see Elliott Wave Theory). Point D is a 0.786 correction of the XA wave, and it is a 1.27 or 1.618 extension of the BC wave. The area at D is known as the potential reversal zone (PRZ). This is where long positions could be entered, as some price confirmation of reversal is encouraged. A stop is placed just below the PRZ.
Figure 2: The Butterfly Pattern |
The butterfly pattern is different than the Gartley in that it focuses on finding reversals at new lows (bullish) or new highs (bearish). D is a new low and a potential reversal point if the Fibonacci figures align with the structure. D would need to be an extension of BC in the magnitude of 1.618 or 2.618. This should align with an extension of XA in the magnitude of a 1.27 or 1.618. Entry is taken near D with price confirmation of the reversal encouraged. Stops are placed slightly below the potential reversal area (bullish).
Figure 3: The Bat Pattern |
The bat pattern is similar to Gartley in appearance, but not in measurement. Point B has a smaller retracement of XA of 0.382 or 0.50 (less than 0.618), but the extension of the BC wave into D is at minimum 1.618 and potentially 2.618. Therefore, D will be a 0.886 retracement of the original XA wave. This is the PRZ: when selling has stopped and buying enters the market, enter a long position and take advantage of the bullish pattern. Place a stop just below the PRZ.
Figure 4: The Crab Pattern |
The crab is considered by Carney to be one of the most precise of the patterns, providing reversals in extremely close proximity to what the Fibonacci numbers indicate. This pattern, similar to the butterfly, looks to capture a high probability reversal at a new (recent) low or high (bullish or bearish respectively). In a bullish pattern, point B will pullback 0.618 or less of XA. The extension of BC into D is quite large, from 2.24 to 3.618. D (the PRZ) is a 1.618 extension of XA. Entries are made near D with a stop-loss order just outside the PRZ.
Fine-Tuning Entries and Stops
Each pattern provides a PRZ. This is not an exact level, as two measurements — extension or retracement of XA — creates one level at D and the extension of BC creates another level at D. This actually makes D a zone where reversals are likely. Traders will also notice that BC can have differing extension lengths. Therefore, traders must be aware of how far a BC extension may go. If all projected levels are within close proximity, the trader can enter a position at any area. If the zone is spread out, such as on longer-term charts where the levels may be 50 pips or more apart, it is important to wait to see if the price reaches further extension levels of BC before entering a trade.
Stops can be placed outside the largest potential extension of BC. In the crab pattern, for example, this would be 3.618. If the rate reversed before 3.618 was hit, the stop would be moved to just outside the closed Fibonacci level to the rate low (bullish pattern) or rate high (bearish pattern) in the PRZ.
Figure 5 is an intra-day example of a butterfly pattern from May 3, 2011.
Figure 5. Bearish Butterfly Pattern — EUR/USD, 15 Minute |
The price touches almost exactly the 1.618 extension level of XA at 1.4892 and the extension of BC to 2.618 is very close at 1.4887 (there are two Fibonacci tools used, one for each wave). This creates a very small PRZ, but it may not always be the case. Entry is taken after the rate enters the zone and then begins to retreat. The stop is placed just outside the most significant level that was not reached by the rate, in this case a few pips above the 1.618 XA extension. Targets can be based on support levels within the pattern; therefore, an initial profit target would be just above point B. (Crowd psychology is the reason this technique works. Find out how to make it work for you. To learn more, refer to Candlesticks Light The Way To Logical Trading.)
The Bottom Line
Harmonic trading is a precise and mathematical way to trade, but it requires patience, practice and a lot of study to master the patterns. Movements that do not align with proper pattern measurements invalidate a pattern and can lead traders astray. The Gartley, butterfly, bat and crab are the better-known patterns that traders can watch for. Entries are made in the potential reversal zone when price confirmation indicates a reversal, and stops are placed outside the nearest significant (for the pattern) Fibonacci level that was not hit by the BC or XA extensions/retracements into the D (PRZ) area. (All trading platforms have benefits and drawbacks — master the fake trade before making a real one.
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Harmonic analysis
Harmonic analysis is a branch of mathematics concerned with the representation of functions or signals as the superposition of basic waves, and the study of and generalization of the notions of Fourier series and Fourier transforms (i.e. an extended form of Fourier analysis). In the past two centuries, it has become a vast subject with applications in areas as diverse as number theory, representation theory, signal processing, quantum mechanics, tidal analysis and neuroscience.
The term «harmonics» originated as the Ancient Greek word harmonikos, meaning «skilled in music». [1] In physical eigenvalue problems, it began to mean waves whose frequencies are integer multiples of one another, as are the frequencies of the harmonics of music notes, but the term has been generalized beyond its original meaning.
The classical Fourier transform on R n is still an area of ongoing research, particularly concerning Fourier transformation on more general objects such as tempered distributions. For instance, if we impose some requirements on a distribution f, we can attempt to translate these requirements in terms of the Fourier transform of f. The Paley–Wiener theorem is an example of this. The Paley–Wiener theorem immediately implies that if f is a nonzero distribution of compact support (these include functions of compact support), then its Fourier transform is never compactly supported. This is a very elementary form of an uncertainty principle in a harmonic-analysis setting.
Fourier series can be conveniently studied in the context of Hilbert spaces, which provides a connection between harmonic analysis and functional analysis.
Applied harmonic analysis [ edit ]
Many applications of harmonic analysis in science and engineering begin with the idea or hypothesis that a phenomenon or signal is composed of a sum of individual oscillatory components. Ocean tides and vibrating strings are common and simple examples. The theoretical approach is often to try to describe the system by a differential equation or system of equations to predict the essential features, including the amplitude, frequency, and phases of the oscillatory components. The specific equations depend on the field, but theories generally try to select equations that represent major principles that are applicable.
The experimental approach is usually to acquire data that accurately quantifies the phenomenon. For example, in a study of tides, the experimentalist would acquire samples of water depth as a function of time at closely enough spaced intervals to see each oscillation and over a long enough duration that multiple oscillatory periods are likely included. In a study on vibrating strings, it is common for the experimentalist to acquire a sound waveform sampled at a rate at least twice that of the highest frequency expected and for a duration many times the period of the lowest frequency expected.
For example, the top signal at the right is a sound waveform of a bass guitar playing an open string corresponding to an A note with a fundamental frequency of 55 Hz. The waveform appears oscillatory, but it is more complex than a simple sine wave, indicating the presence of additional waves. The different wave components contributing to the sound can be revealed by applying a mathematical analysis technique known as the Fourier transform, the result of which is shown in the lower figure. Note that there is a prominent peak at 55 Hz, but that there are other peaks at 110 Hz, 165 Hz, and at other frequencies corresponding to integer multiples of 55 Hz. In this case, 55 Hz is identified as the fundamental frequency of the string vibration, and the integer multiples are known as harmonics.
Abstract harmonic analysis [ edit ]
One of the most modern branches of harmonic analysis, having its roots in the mid-20th century, is analysis on topological groups. The core motivating ideas are the various Fourier transforms, which can be generalized to a transform of functions defined on Hausdorff locally compact topological groups.
Harmonic analysis studies the properties of that duality and Fourier transform and attempts to extend those features to different settings, for instance, to the case of non-abelian Lie groups.
For general non-abelian locally compact groups, harmonic analysis is closely related to the theory of unitary group representations. For compact groups, the Peter–Weyl theorem explains how one may get harmonics by choosing one irreducible representation out of each equivalence class of representations. This choice of harmonics enjoys some of the useful properties of the classical Fourier transform in terms of carrying convolutions to pointwise products, or otherwise showing a certain understanding of the underlying group structure. See also: Non-commutative harmonic analysis.
If the group is neither abelian nor compact, no general satisfactory theory is currently known («satisfactory» means at least as strong as the Plancherel theorem). However, many specific cases have been analyzed, for example SLn. In this case, representations in infinite dimensions play a crucial role.
Harmonic Pattern Plus MT4
Введение в Harmonic Pattern Plus
Индикатор Harmonic Pattern Plus, предназначенный для работы в MetaTrader 4, ищет гармонические модели на графике. Программа Harmonic Pattern Plus предназначена для определения точек разворота текущего тренда — она находит гармонические модели с высокой силой прогнозирования. Гармонические модели состоят из нескольких линий, объединенных важными соотношениями Фибоначчи, такими как 0,618 и 0,382, которые часто используются профессиональными трейдерами для измерения уровня прорыва цены.
Такие гармонические структуры постоянно образуются на финансовых рынках и часто за такими моделями следуют большие развороты тренда. Эти модели доказали свою эффективность в точном определении точек разворота в использовании профессиональными трейдерами на протяжении уже более чем 50 лет. Кроме того, многие статистические исследования указывают на сильные возможности прогнозирования гармонических моделей. Эти модели хорошо работают на рынке форекс и показывают отличное соотношение прибыль-риск. Эта программа содержит множество полезных функций для трейдеров, работающих полный день, и тех, кто торгует время от времени. Данный стиль торговли с жестким контролем риска также подходит инвесторам, работающим с серьезными деньгами.
Полезная информация о Harmonic Pattern Plus
- Индикатор Harmonic Pattern Plus автоматически рисует уровни коррекции Фибоначчи. Поэтому вы можете просто разместить тейк-профит и стоп-лосс в соответствии с этим уровнем. Обратите внимание, что рисунок построение линии коррекции Фибоначчи также может быть отключено.
- Вы можете выбрать количество гармонических моделей для, которое будет отображаться на графике. Иногда слишком большое количество моделей на графике может отвлекать, но малое количество моделей менее информативно. Так что вы можете настроить этот параметр по вашему желанию в окне свойств (по умолчанию = 3).
- Все найденные гармонические модели можно отображать в экспертном журнале или записывать в текстовый файл. Данная опция настраивается во входных переменных. При включении записи всех гармонических моделей будет создан файл в папке терминала вашего MetaTrader.
- По умолчанию все медвежьи модели будут окрашены в темно-розовый, а все бычьего будут окрашены в синий цвет. Вы можете изменить эту настройку во входной переменной.
Информация для начинающих: что такое гармоническая модель
Гармоническая модель была впервые использована Х.М. Гартли, а модель Гартли была представлена в его книге «Прибыли на фондовом рынке» в 1935 году. С тех пор профессиональные трейдеры улучшили паттерн и нашли другие прибыльные модели. Еще один полезный источник о торговли по гармоническим моделям — книга Скотт М. Карни, Гармоничная торговля (Получение прибыли от естественного порядка финансовых рынков). Каждая гармоническая модель состоит из множества линий, соединенных числами Фибоначчи. Поэтому гармонические структуры рассматриваются как естественное представление реакции трейдеров и отражение психологии трейдеров.
С учетом статистической значимости и прибыльности, проверенной многочисленными профессиональными трейдерами, обращайте внимание на гармонические модели, формируемые на графике. Гармоническая модель покажет точку разворота тренда, предоставляя возможность войти в рынок быстрее, чем другие трейдеры. Поэтому ваше вознаграждение зачастую намного больше, чем ваш риск. Индикатор Harmonic Pattern Plus обнаруживает наиболее известные гармонические модели. В данный момент он находит 9 различных гармонических паттернов. Эти 9 моделей были выбраны автором, поскольку они, как правило, превосходят другие модели, а также имеют более длинную историю, чем другие модели. Используемые модели:
- Бабочка
- Гартли
- Летучая мышь
- Альтернативная летучая мышь
- Акула
- Краб
- Шифр
- Модели 5-0
Harmonic Scanner & Forex Signals & Trade Copier
PRE Harmonic Scanner & Forex Signals & Trade Copier
The New PRE HARMONIC SCANNER for MT4 has a 95% accuracy and it’s highly precise. It’s an NON-REPAINT technical analysis pattern swing scanner based on my trading style.
It’s a VERY WANTED Forex indicator that will show you the swing trade to take, based on the best price entries. The TP1, TP2 and SL will be visible on your charts.
How Many Pips ?
Using my Forex strategies, I trade big swings with heavy lots from daily to 4hr time frames.
I target 5-10%+ growth per month. You can expect an average of 5-20 trades a week as a result of 100 – 300 pips per week.
Swing Trades Examples
EURNZD SWING TRADE = 12000+ PIPS Closed 50% of the trade @ 200 Pips, 25% @ 350 Pips and the …
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Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy — Easy Step By Step Gu > by TradingStrategyGuides | All Strategies, Price Action Strategies | 13 comments
This Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy will give you a whole new understanding of the price action. Our team at Trading Strategy Guides know the geometric patterns that can be found in nature. The same anomalies can be found in the financial markets, such as in harmonic patterns. This ability to repeat and create these intricate patterns is what makes the Forex harmonic patterns so incredible. We also have training for the fractal trading strategy.
Harmonic patterns are complex patterns in the Forex market. If you want to start with a simpler price action pattern, we recommend the Head and Shoulders Price Pattern Strategy.
We can distinguish six basic Forex harmonic patterns:
- Gartley Pattern — developed by H.M. Gartley, this pattern is the most frequently used in the harmonic trading community. Using Fibonacci ratios, the Gartley pattern seeks to identify instances of breakouts, resistance, and support. This pattern is characterized as an uptrend, followed by a small reversal, followed by a smaller uptrend, and completed by a larger reversal (forming an asymmetric “M” or “W” shape).
- Butterfly Pattern — there are two different types of butterfly patterns; bearish butterflies and bullish butterflies. Like the Gartley pattern, these patterns are designed to reveal when a trend reversal is stronger than the original trend. Using the triangles created within the butterfly, traders can determine whether holding a short or a long position is the most profitable.
- Crab Pattern — the crab pattern is ideal for traders trying to identify precise price movements. It enables traders to maximize returns on securities with low volatility. The crab pattern is similar to the butterfly pattern but is more condensed. This makes it possible to capture smaller movements.
- Bat Pattern — when compared to the other patterns, the bat pattern is still a trapezoid, but more symmetrical. For both the bearish and the bullish patterns, the right side and the left side will be nearly the same heights.
- Shark Pattern — the shark pattern is one of the newer harmonic trading patterns and has been in use since 2011. The pattern uses a similar five-leg reversal sequence. The steep outside lines and shallow dip in the middle create a chart that resembles a dorsal fin. This is how the shark pattern gets its name.
- Cypher Pattern — the cypher pattern is an advanced trading pattern that combines Fibonacci trading with other indicators (such as RSI). The cypher uses tighter Fibonacci ratios (usually less than 1), which creates a “steeper” visual appearance.
Each of these patterns will help you effectively issue stop losses and stop limits. In order to get a more comprehensive view of the market, it is useful to monitor multiple harmonic trading patterns at once.
There are many benefits of harmonic trading. For example, if you become an expert in one of the Forex harmonic patterns, you’ll know how to trade it on certain pairs. You’ll be able to know when the best time to trade is and when the market is going to react in a certain way.
You’ll become an expert in Forex harmonic patterns. A useful tool for trading this strategy is a harmonic pattern scanner or a dashboard that shows all the patterns on different instruments. However, we recommend that you learn the patterns well before using a scanner or dashboard.
Our favorite time frame for the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy is the 1h, 4h or the Daily chart. For simplicity’s sake, we’re going to refer to the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy as the AHPT trading strategy. We don’t want to go to lower time frames because, after extensive backtesting, we discovered the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy works best on higher time frames.
If you want quick profits, check out our favorite day trading strategy, the Best Stochastic Trading Strategy — Easy 6 Step Strategy. It might be more suitable for your own needs. This strategy performs the same and is suitable for trading other asset classes like stocks, futures, options, etc.
Throughout this article, you’ll learn the effectiveness of this pattern the strengths and the weakness. You’ll also learn how to efficiently trade the Forex harmonic patterns. This ability to consistently repeat makes the Forex harmonic patterns attractive for our team at Trading Strategy Guides. We also have training on how to trade with the Gartley pattern.
Before we get started, let’s look at what indicators we need to successfully trade the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy:
If you aren’t that great on geometry most standard Forex trading platform comes with a harmonic pattern indicator. This can help you spot and measure the Forex harmonic pattern. The Forex harmonic patterns use the Fibonacci numbers to define accurate trading points.
TradingView Platform: Harmonic Pattern Indicator
The harmonic pattern indicator allows you to call market turning points with a high level of accuracy. Check out the Price Action Pin Bar Trading Strategy if you don’t have prior knowledge of how a reversal trading strategy looks.
Let’s now jump into the rules of the AHPT trading strategy.
Note*: Moving forward, we’ll be focusing on the Butterfly harmonic pattern. This is one of the most common Forex harmonic patterns.
What is the Butterfly harmonic pattern?
In technical analysis, the Butterfly harmonic pattern is a reversal pattern composed of four legs. A leg is a swing wave movement that connects and is composed of a swing high and a swing low. Here is how to identify the right swing to boost your profit.
Butterfly harmonic pattern rules summary:
- AB= 0.786 or 78.6% retracement of the XA swing leg;
- BC= minimum 38.2% — maximum 88.6% of AB swing leg;
- CD= minimum 1.618 – maximum 2.618 of AB swing leg;
- CD=minimum 1.272% — maximum 1.618% of XA swing leg;
Defining the Butterfly harmonic pattern.
The Butterfly harmonic pattern depends upon the B point. It defines the structure and sets up the other measurements within the pattern to define the trade opportunities. To the Butterfly pattern the B point, it must possess a precise 78.6% retracement of the XA swing. Other rules that redefine the structure further includes the BC projection that must be at least 1.618 measurements.
Also, the Butterfly pattern must include an equivalent AB=CD pattern. It’s a minimum requirement. However, the alternate 1.27AB=CD is more common for this structure.
The 1.27XA projection is the most critical number in the potential reversal zones. And, finally, the C point must be within the range of 0.382-0.886 retracement.
You can start drawing the butterfly pattern as soon as you have the first two legs of the pattern. Once you have the points X, A and B, you can begin monitoring the price action. You can look for confirmation that the wave C conforms to the Butterfly pattern rules.
The Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy Rules
Now it’s the time to reveal the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy rules. We’ll start with the most exciting part. This is always the entry point and continue down with the rules for the stop loss and take profit orders.
There is one important thing that we need to learn before to actually define the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy rules. This is to give you indications on how to apply the Harmonic pattern indicator.
Step #1 How to apply the Harmonic Pattern Indicator
I would walk you through this process step by step. All you need to do is to follow this simple guide. See figure below for a better understanding of the process:
- First, click on the harmonic pattern indicator which can be located on the right-hand side toolbar of the TradingView platform. In the MT4 terminal, you can locate the harmonic pattern indicator in the Indicators library.
- Identify on the chart the starting point X, which can be any swing high or low point on the chart.
- Once you’ve located your first swing high/low point you simply have to follow the market swing wave movements.
- You need to have 4 points or 4 swing high/low points that bind together and form the Forex harmonic patterns. Every swing leg must be validated and abide by the harmonic pattern strategy rules as presented above.
Now, we’re going to give the entry rules for the bullish Butterfly harmonic pattern.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Buy Entry
Ideally, as a trader, you would like to enter at the completion of point D. As we established earlier, the point D of the Butterfly Forex harmonic pattern can develop anywhere between 1.27 – 1.618 Fibonacci extension of A leg. Since the market is not a perfect place, we’ll initiate a buy order once the markets hit the 1.27 Fibonacci extension.
In the above example, we entered at 1.272 Fibonacci extension, but we can already see point D extend to 1.573 Fibonacci extension. This is still inside the 1.272 – 1.618 range that validates the bullish Butterfly harmonic pattern.
That’s still a great entry level.
Where to place your protective stop loss is the next logical question.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Stop Loss
For the Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern, you normally want to place your protective stop loss below the 1.618 Fibonacci extension of the XA leg. That’s the logical place to hide your stop loss. This is because any break below will automatically invalidate the Butterfly harmonic pattern.
So far, we defined the proper entry point and the stop loss location for the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy. Now, it’s time to switch our focus and define where to take the profits.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Take Profit
Adding multiple take profits with the AHPT trading strategy will enhance further your trading experience. and will influence the expected profitability because this will almost guarantee you’ll bank in a profit. The Forex harmonic patterns, while they are a reliable pattern, you want to be very aggressive with your profit target.
As the saying goes: “No one has gone broke by taking a profit”
So, where do you take your first partial profit?
See figure below:
The Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy has a more conservative first partial profit target established at Point B. Normally this is the place where you will expect to find some resistance on the way back up because it’s an important swing point.
We want to close the second part of our trade once we hit the 0.618 Fibonacci retracement of the CD leg. You can even aim for a retest of point A. Although that can be your next target once you become more experienced with the harmonic pattern indicator.
Have a look at the chart below:
Note** The above was an example of a BUY trade using the Bullish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern. Use the same rules for the Bearish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern for a SELL trade. In the figure below you can see an actual SELL trade example. You can do this using the Bearish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern.
Don’t be discouraged if this chart may look confusing at first look. Study the above rules and you’ll find this trade example follows the strategy rules perfectly.
For all Forex harmonic patterns, and trading in general, precision is the key. This is because we eliminate mistakes when we’re as precise as possible. The Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy gives us the highest probabilities for success. The great thing about the Forex harmonic patterns is they recognize areas where supply and demand come into focus. If you’re a fan of supply and demand trading, read Supply and Demand Trading — Learn about Market Movement. It is a great preface to supply and demand trading.
Thank you for Reading!
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Forex Harmonic Patterns and Harmonic Trading Strategy With MACD
Forex Harmonic Patterns and Trading Strategy – Harmonic price patterns take geometric price patterns to the next level by using Fibonacci numbers to define precise turning points.
Unlike other trading methods, Harmonic trading attempts to predict future movements.
This is in vast contrast to common methods that are reactionary and not predictive.
Harmonic price patterns are extremely precise, requiring the pattern to show movements of a particular magnitude in order for the unfolding of the pattern to provide an accurate reversal point.
Harmonic patterns can gauge how long current moves will last, but they can also be used to isolate reversal points. The danger occurs when a trader takes a position in the reversal area and the pattern fails.
When this happens, the trader can be caught in a trade where the trend rapidly extends against them. Therefore, as with all trading strategies, risk must be controlled.
There is quite an assortment of harmonic patterns, although there are four that seem most popular.
These are the Gartley , butterfly, bat and crab patterns.
The Gartley was originally published by H.M. Gartley in his book Profits in the Stock Market and the Fibonacci levels were later added by Scott Carney in his book The Harmonic Trader.
The bullish pattern is often seen early in a trend, and it is a sign the corrective waves are ending and an upward move will ensue at point D.
All patterns may be within the context of a broader trend or range and traders must be aware of that (see Elliott Wave Theory).
Point D is a 0.786 correction of the XA wave, and it is a 1.27 or 1.618 extension of the BC wave.
The area at D is known as the potential reversal zone (PRZ).
This is where long positions could be entered, as some price confirmation of reversal is encouraged. A stop is placed just below the PRZ.
The butterfly pattern is different than the Gartley in that it focuses on finding reversals at new lows (bullish) or new highs (bearish).
D is a new low and a potential reversal point if the Fibonacci figures align with the structure.
D would need to be an extension of BC in the magnitude of 1.618 or 2.618.
This should align with an extension of XA in the magnitude of a 1.27 or 1.618. Entry is taken near D with price confirmation of the reversal encouraged.
Stops are placed slightly below the potential reversal area (bullish).
The bat pattern is similar to Gartley in appearance, but not in measurement.
Point B has a smaller retracement of XA of 0.382 or 0.50 (less than 0.618), but the extension of the BC wave into D is at minimum 1.618 and potentially 2.618. Therefore, D will be a 0.886 retracement of the original XA wave.
This is the PRZ: when selling has stopped and buying enters the market, enter a long position and take advantage of the bullish pattern.
Place a stop just below the PRZ.
The crab pattern is considered by Carney to be one of the most precise of the patterns, providing reversals in extremely close proximity to what the Fibonacci numbers indicate.
This pattern, similar to the butterfly, looks to capture a high probability reversal at a new (recent) low or high (bullish or bearish respectively). In a bullish pattern, point B will pullback 0.618 or less of XA.
The extension of BC into D is quite large, from 2.24 to 3.618.
D (the PRZ) is a 1.618 extension of XA.
Entries are made near D with a stop-loss order just outside the PRZ.
Harmonic trading is a precise and mathematical way to trade, but it requires patience, practice and a lot of studies to master the patterns.
Movements that do not align with proper pattern measurements invalidate a pattern and can lead traders astray.
The Gartley, butterfly, bat, and crab are the better-known patterns that traders can watch for.
Entries are made in the potential reversal zone when price confirmation indicates a reversal, and stops are placed outside the nearest significant (for the pattern) Fibonacci level that was not hit by the BC or XA extensions/retracements into the D (PRZ) area.
Высокоточня система Harmonic Analyser Forex
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Торговая система основанная на торговле по гармоническим паттернам. Известно, что гармоническая торговля по паттернам Песавенто и Гартли является одной из самых точных на Форексе. Вашему вниманю предлагается система-индикатор автоматически распознающая паттерны(разворотные фигуры) и показывающая разворотный момент на рынке. Смотрите скриншоты.
Вы будите знать куда пойдёт рынок! Вы будите знать какой поставить StopLoss и ТakeРrofit! Не сомневайтесь в догадках!
Система работает на любых парах, любых рынках (акции, фьючерсы) и на любых фреймах. Всё что нужно, это просто переключать фреймы на графиках и если появляется фигура, то её отработать. Всё просто.
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Индикатор PZ Harmonic Trading
Вы – гармонический трейдер? Находить их на графике и рассчитывать соотношения и проекции можно очень долго. Но с этим покончено! Индикатор PZ Harmonic Trading – пожалуй, самый полноценный индикатор для автоматического нахождения гармонических паттернов. Он обладает рядом возможностей, делающих его уникальным.
- Он определяет паттерны Летучая мышь, Гартли, Краб, Бабочка, Cypher и Акула.
- Он строит векторные отношения на график и подписывает имена паттернов.
- Он строит первичные, вторичные и производные проекции Фибоначчи.
- Проекции Фибоначчи не зависят от вектора (0.618BC не равнозначна 0.618XA).
- Он оценивает поведение цены в прошлом и отображает все прошлые паттерны (не только последний).
- После формирования паттерна он ждет значимого прорыва для подачи сигнала.
- Он отличает идеальные и не идеальные паттерны.
- Он строит проекцию AB=CD!
При запуске индикатора на любом графике вам будет предложено указать ряд входных параметров. Не отчаивайтесь, если вам покажется, что их слишком много. Все параметры сгруппированы в блоки, которые не требуют объяснений. Вот, что делает каждый блок параметров.
- Amplitude
Индикатор постоянно ищет вершины и впадины. Аmplitude – это минимальное количество баров, при котором не будут определяться вершины и впадины. Увеличьте период, чтобы увидеть большие паттерны и торговать внутри дня. Вы можете установить несколько индикаторов с разными периодами на один график. - OnlyPerfectPatterns
Включает отображение только идеальных и чистых гармонических паттернов с идеальными соотношениями. - MaxHistoryBars
Данный параметр определяет, сколько прошлых баров проверяется. Предназначен для снижения потребляемой памяти. - SuperLightMode
Включите данную опцию, чтобы отобразить только раскрашенные треугольники. Предназначен для снижения потребляемой памяти. - Patterns
Выберите цвет паттернов, выключите или включите паттерны, которые вам нужны. - Labels
Настройте размер и цвет шрифта для подписей. - Ratios
Настройте размер шрифта и толщину линий для соотношений. - Projections
Настройте размер шрифта, длину и толщину линий для проекций Фибоначчи. - Breakouts
После формирования паттерна индикатор ждет значимого прорыва для подачи сигнала.
Увеличьте значение BreakoutPeriod, чтобы уменьшить перерисовку при торговле внутри дня.
Эта опция может быть отключена. - Уведомления (Alerts)
Разрешить/запретить пуш-уведомления, звуковые и почтовые уведомления о паттернах и прорывах.
Некоторые важные особенности
- Индикатор работает по барам, а не по тикам.
- Точка D паттерна перерисовывается при его формировании.
- Вы можете установить несколько индикаторов с разными периодами на один график.
- После формирования паттерна, а также после появления прорыва, подтверждающего паттерн, показываются алерты.
- Небольшой процент торговых сигналов может перерисовываться (увеличьте значение параметра DonchianBreakout для торговли внутри дня).
- Гармонические паттерны можно подтверждать, например, показаниями осциллятора дивергенций или при помощи Bollinger Bands.
- В индикаторе предусмотрены пуш-уведомления, звуковые, визуальные и почтовые уведомления о паттернах и прорывах.
Артуро Лопез Перез, частный инвестор, биржевой спекулянт, программист и основатель Point Zero Trading Solutions.
PZ Harmonic Trading
Ценовой паттерн – это повторяющиеся на всех таймфреймах отрезки движения котировок, имеющие похожую форму и структуру, подчиняющиеся общим правилам формирования, позволяющим распознать и выявить многократные повторы этой модели.
Паттерн может быть простым и содержать одну или две свечи, как правило, определяющие разворот рынка, может быть сложным, имеющим в составе фигуру, образованную несколькими касательными или трендовыми линиями, сочетающимися в определенной закономерности.
Фигуры или модели паттерна определяются методом графического анализа, их точность зависит от четкого следования правилам построения линий. Этот момент точности построений заставлял начинающих трейдеров обходить графический анализ стороной, построения не имели четких формализованных правил, вызывали много споров в трейдерской среде, часто не совпадали при двух анализах одинаковых отрезков от различных участников торгов.
Формализовать построения помогла автоматизация трейдинга, торговые платформы дали возможность написания пользовательских алгоритмов, выполняющих функцию нанесения линий автоматически.
Наиболее достоверные индикаторы, автоматически выделяющие сложные построения на ценовом графике получили широкое распространение.
Индикатор PZ Harmonic Trading с помощью своего алгоритма строит и распознает один из сложных паттернов, названный по имени автора, что его описал – модель Гартли. Написать программу позволила доработка правил его построения с помощью уровней Фибоначчи от Скотта Карни и Ларри Песавенто. Индикатор работает со всеми моделями, описанными автором в своей книге «Прибыль на рынке акций».
Описание паттерна бабочка Гартли
Модель Гартли построена на соотношениях сторон четырехугольника, построенного по вершинам волн колебаний котировок, отложенных по временной шкале, соответствующих пропорциям чисел Фибоначчи.
Если развитое ценовое движения имеет две равные стороны волны по шкале котировок (АВ=СD), как показано на рисунке ниже, это основное условие для начала поиска фигуры.
После определенного равенства, условием образования фигуры служат соотношения Фибоначчи расположения вершин общего ценового движения XABCD, определенные при построении уровней на отрезке XA (принимается за основное движение).
АВ=61,8, вершина D находится от горизонтального уровня, проведенного через А на уровне Фибоначчи 78,6.
Равенство АВ=СD выполняется строго, Фибоначчи соотношения могут иметь разброс параметров в пределах стандартных уровней (50 заменено на 61,8, 61,8 на 76,8 и т.д.).
Соотношение для впадины ценового движения С отдельно определяется уровнями Фибоначчи, проведенными от точки В к точке А.
Разновидности моделей Гартли
Все остальные модели Гартли можно смело назвать производными от базовой модели бабочки. Они различаются соотношениями сторон, имеют один и тот же зигзагообразный ценовой вид, порождающий эти фигуры. Идеальная модель бабочки по теории Песавенто построена на следующих соотношениях Фибоначчи:
Тогда как модель «Краб» имеет более «широкое» основание:
Различают не только пропорции сторон и оснований составляющих фигуру треугольников, но и положения вершин, например, модель Cypher:
Описание индикатора PZ Harmonic Trading
Индикатор объединил в себе алгоритм поиска экстремумов индикаторов ZigZag и автоматического построения уровней Фибоначчи. Это позволило автоматически отображать модели Гартли на графике, при выполнении описанных автором условий пропорциональности ценовых отрезков уровням коррекции Фибоначчи.
Разработанная цветовая схема позволяет трейдеру наглядно распознавать тип модели (медвежья или бычья), отображенные целевые уровни, размещать ордера.
Каждая модель подписана, соотношения и уровни рассчитаны в единицах измерения котировок инструментов и дополнительно выведены слева в информационном окне:
Найденные и распознанные модели отображаются на прошлых исторических котировках, что позволяет протестировать их эффективность.
Настройки индикатора PZ Harmonic Trading
При прикреплении индикатора к графику торгуемого инструмента, становится доступным окно настроек:
Основные параметры управления и отображения индикатора находятся во вкладке «Входные параметры». Настройки в остальных вкладках оставляем установленными по умолчанию.
Первый параметр Amplitude позволяет установить размер временного отрезка (по количеству таймфреймов) для выявления экстремумов. Число равноценно обычному определению периода стандартного индикатора. Как в случае с обычным индикатором, на один и тот же график можно установить несколько PZ Harmonic с различными периодами.
Второй параметр MaxHistoryBars характеризует исторический анализируемый отрезок, чем он выше, тем лучше, если выбор ограничен вычислительными возможностями компьютерной техники, на которую установлен терминал.
Построение моделей паттернов допускает расхождения в пропорциях и правилах, следующая опция OnlyPerfectPatterns оставит на графике только идеальные и гармоничные модели.
Остальные настройки не влияют на работу индикатора, относятся к выбору цветового окрашивания паттернов и включению/выключению информационных окон.
Alerts – блок, управляющий видами уведомлений о распознанных паттернах: от звуковых до почтовых.
Торговые сигналы индикатора PZ Harmonic Trading
Перед началом торговли трейдеру следует ознакомиться с теорией паттернов Гартли с учетом ее интерпретации Скоттом Карни.
Модель, распознанную автоматически, следует проверить самостоятельно на соответствие теории, равенство АВ= СD проверить обязательно.
Следует подождать формирования модели. Точка D может быть перерисована. Следует ждать прорывов и ретестов уровней Фибоначчи.
Точка Х или самый нижний уровень в моделях Гартли выступают местом постановки защитного ордера. Скоттом Карни предложено пользоваться трейлинг-стопом, установленным не менее 0,382 от максимума бумажной прибыли (незафиксированной текущей) открытой позиции трейдера.
Вновь сформированная модель отменяет предыдущие все сделки.
Вход осуществляется на пробоях уровней:
В данном случае точка Х выше последнего уровня, поэтому стоп размещаем на нем, как показано на рисунке. Фиксация прибыли происходит по трейлинг стопу или с возникновением новой модели. На рисунке ниже показана идеальная ситуация входа при ретесте уровней. Такие сигналы входов (в нашем случае продажа) могут служить поводом для сделки в неидеальных моделях Гартли.
Особенности применения индикатора PZ Harmonic Trading
Различающий фигуры Гартли индикатор является полноценной торговой системой. Зачастую трейдеры, использующие несколько торговых систем, выделяют индикатор в отдельный график, служащий своего рода диверсификацией сигналов в сложносоставных среднесрочных и долгосрочных стратегиях, используемых в отсутствие сигналов от других параллельно торгуемых систем.
Harmonic Patterns in the Currency Markets
Harmonic price patterns are those that take geometric price patterns to the next level by utilizing Fibonacci numbers to define precise turning points. Unlike other more common trading methods, harmonic trading attempts to predict future movements.
Let’s look at some examples of how harmonic price patterns are used to trade currencies in the forex market.
Key Takeaways
- Harmonic trading refers to the idea that trends are harmonic phenomena, meaning they can subdivided into smaller or larger waves that may predict price direction.
- Harmonic trading relies on Fibonacci numbers, which are used to create technical indicators.
- The Fibonacci sequence of numbers, starting with zero and one, is created by adding the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.
- This sequence can then be broken down into ratios which some believe provide clues as to where a given financial market will move to.
- The Gartley, bat, and crab are among the most popular harmonic patterns available to technical traders.
Geometry and Fibonacci Numbers
Harmonic trading combines patterns and math into a trading method that is precise and based on the premise that patterns repeat themselves. At the root of the methodology is the primary ratio, or some derivative of it (0.618 or 1.618). Complementing ratios include: 0.382, 0.50, 1.41, 2.0, 2.24, 2.618, 3.14 and 3.618. The primary ratio is found in almost all natural and environmental structures and events; it is also found in man-made structures. Since the pattern repeats throughout nature and within society, the ratio is also seen in the financial markets, which are affected by the environments and societies in which they trade. (For additional reading, see «Top 4 Fibonacci Retracement Mistakes to Avoid.»)
By finding patterns of varying lengths and magnitudes, the trader can then apply Fibonacci ratios to the patterns and try to predict future movements. The trading method is largely attributed to Scott Carney, although others have contributed or found patterns and levels that enhance performance.
Issues with Harmonics
Harmonic price patterns are precise, requiring the pattern to show movements of a particular magnitude in order for the unfolding of the pattern to provide an accurate reversal point. A trader may often see a pattern that looks like a harmonic pattern, but the Fibonacci levels will not align in the pattern, thus rendering the pattern unreliable in terms of the harmonic approach. This can be an advantage, as it requires the trader to be patient and wait for ideal set-ups.
Harmonic patterns can gauge how long current moves will last, but they can also be used to isolate reversal points. The danger occurs when a trader takes a position in the reversal area and the pattern fails. When this happens, the trader can be caught in a trade where the trend rapidly extends against him. Therefore, as with all trading strategies, risk must be controlled.
It is important to note that patterns may exist within other patterns, and it is also possible that non-harmonic patterns may (and likely will) exist within the context of harmonic patterns. These can be used to aid in the effectiveness of the harmonic pattern and enhance entry and exit performance. Several price waves may also exist within a single harmonic wave (for instance, a CD wave or AB wave). Prices are constantly gyrating; therefore, it is important to focus on the bigger picture of the time frame being traded. The fractal nature of the markets allows the theory to be applied from the smallest to largest time frames.
To use the method, a trader will benefit from a chart platform that allows him to plot multiple Fibonacci retracements to measure each wave.
Types of Harmonic Patterns
There is quite an assortment of harmonic patterns, although there are four that seem most popular. These are the Gartley, butterfly, bat, and crab patterns.
The Gartley
The Gartley was originally published by H.M. Gartley in his book Profits in the Stock Market and the Fibonacci levels were later added by Scott Carney in his book The Harmonic Trader. The levels discussed below are from that book. Over the years, some other traders have come up with some other common ratios. When relevant, those are mentioned as well.
The bullish pattern is often seen early in a trend, and it is a sign the corrective waves are ending and an upward move will ensue following point D. All patterns may be within the context of a broader trend or range and traders must be aware of that. (For related insight, see «Elliott Wave Theory»).
It’s a lot of information to absorb, but this is how to read the chart. We will use the bullish example. The price moves up to A, it then corrects and B is a 0.618 retracement of wave A. The price moves up via BC and is a 0.382 to 0.886 retracement of AB. The next move is down via CD, and it is an extension of 1.13 to 1.618 of AB. Point D is a 0.786 retracement of XA. Many traders look for CD to extend 1.27 to 1.618 of AB.
The area at D is known as the potential reversal zone. This is where long positions could be entered, although waiting for some confirmation of the price starting to rise is encouraged. A stop-loss is placed not far below entry, although addition stop loss tactics are discussed in a later section.
For the bearish pattern, look to short trade near D, with a stop loss not far above.
The Butterfly
The butterfly pattern is different than the Gartley in that the butterfly has point D extending beyond point X.
Here we will look at the bearish example to break down the numbers. The price is dropping to A. The up wave of AB is a 0.786 retracement of XA. BC is a 0.382 to 0.886 retracement of AB. CD is a 1.618 to 2.24 extension of AB. D is at a 1.27 extension of the XA wave. D is an area to consider a short trade, although waiting for some confirmation of the price starting to move lower is encouraged. Place a stop loss not far above.
With all these patterns, some traders look for any ratio between the numbers mentioned, while others look for one or the other. For example, above it was mentioned that CD is a 1.618 to 2.24 extension of AB. Some traders will only look for 1.618 or 2.24, and disregard numbers in between unless they are very close to these specific numbers.
The Bat
The bat pattern is similar to Gartley in appearance, but not in measurement.
Let’s look at the bullish example. There is a rise via XA. B retraces 0.382 to 0.5 of XA. BC retraces 0.382 to 0.886 of AB. CD is a 1.618 to 2.618 extension of AB. D is at a 0.886 retracement of XA. D is the area to look for a long, although the wait for the price to start rising before doing so. A stop loss can be placed not far below.
For the bearish pattern, look to short near D, with a stop loss not far above.
The Crab
The crab is considered by Carney to be one of the most precise of the patterns, providing reversals in extremely close proximity to what the Fibonacci numbers indicate.
This pattern is similar to the butterfly, yet different in measurement.
In a bullish pattern, point B will pullback 0.382 to 0.618 of XA. BC will retrace 0.382 to 0.886 of AB. CD extends 2.618 to 3.618 of AB. Point D is a 1.618 extension of XA. Take longs near D, with a stop loss not far below.
For the bearish pattern, enter a short near D, with a stop loss not far above.
Fine-Tune Entries and Stop Losses
Each pattern provides a potential reversal zone (PRZ), and not necessarily an exact price. This is because two different projections are forming point D. If all projected levels are within close proximity, the trader can enter a position at that area. If the projection zone is spread out, such as on longer-term charts where the levels may be 50 pips or more apart, look for some other confirmation of the price moving in the expected direction. This could be from an indicator, or simply watching price action.
A stop loss can also be placed outside the furthest projection. This means the stop loss is unlikely to be reached unless the pattern invalidates itself by moving too far.
The Bottom Line
Harmonic trading is a precise and mathematical way to trade, but it requires patience, practice, and a lot of studies to master the patterns. The basic measurements are just the beginning. Movements that do not align with proper pattern measurements invalidate a pattern and can lead traders astray.
The Gartley, butterfly, bat, and crab are the better-known patterns that traders watch for. Entries are made in the potential reversal zone when price confirmation indicates a reversal, and stop losses are placed just below a long entry or above a short entry, or alternatively outside the furthest projection of the pattern.
Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy — Easy Step By Step Gu > by TradingStrategyGuides | All Strategies, Price Action Strategies | 13 comments
This Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy will give you a whole new understanding of the price action. Our team at Trading Strategy Guides know the geometric patterns that can be found in nature. The same anomalies can be found in the financial markets, such as in harmonic patterns. This ability to repeat and create these intricate patterns is what makes the Forex harmonic patterns so incredible. We also have training for the fractal trading strategy.
Harmonic patterns are complex patterns in the Forex market. If you want to start with a simpler price action pattern, we recommend the Head and Shoulders Price Pattern Strategy.
We can distinguish six basic Forex harmonic patterns:
- Gartley Pattern — developed by H.M. Gartley, this pattern is the most frequently used in the harmonic trading community. Using Fibonacci ratios, the Gartley pattern seeks to identify instances of breakouts, resistance, and support. This pattern is characterized as an uptrend, followed by a small reversal, followed by a smaller uptrend, and completed by a larger reversal (forming an asymmetric “M” or “W” shape).
- Butterfly Pattern — there are two different types of butterfly patterns; bearish butterflies and bullish butterflies. Like the Gartley pattern, these patterns are designed to reveal when a trend reversal is stronger than the original trend. Using the triangles created within the butterfly, traders can determine whether holding a short or a long position is the most profitable.
- Crab Pattern — the crab pattern is ideal for traders trying to identify precise price movements. It enables traders to maximize returns on securities with low volatility. The crab pattern is similar to the butterfly pattern but is more condensed. This makes it possible to capture smaller movements.
- Bat Pattern — when compared to the other patterns, the bat pattern is still a trapezoid, but more symmetrical. For both the bearish and the bullish patterns, the right side and the left side will be nearly the same heights.
- Shark Pattern — the shark pattern is one of the newer harmonic trading patterns and has been in use since 2011. The pattern uses a similar five-leg reversal sequence. The steep outside lines and shallow dip in the middle create a chart that resembles a dorsal fin. This is how the shark pattern gets its name.
- Cypher Pattern — the cypher pattern is an advanced trading pattern that combines Fibonacci trading with other indicators (such as RSI). The cypher uses tighter Fibonacci ratios (usually less than 1), which creates a “steeper” visual appearance.
Each of these patterns will help you effectively issue stop losses and stop limits. In order to get a more comprehensive view of the market, it is useful to monitor multiple harmonic trading patterns at once.
There are many benefits of harmonic trading. For example, if you become an expert in one of the Forex harmonic patterns, you’ll know how to trade it on certain pairs. You’ll be able to know when the best time to trade is and when the market is going to react in a certain way.
You’ll become an expert in Forex harmonic patterns. A useful tool for trading this strategy is a harmonic pattern scanner or a dashboard that shows all the patterns on different instruments. However, we recommend that you learn the patterns well before using a scanner or dashboard.
Our favorite time frame for the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy is the 1h, 4h or the Daily chart. For simplicity’s sake, we’re going to refer to the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy as the AHPT trading strategy. We don’t want to go to lower time frames because, after extensive backtesting, we discovered the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy works best on higher time frames.
If you want quick profits, check out our favorite day trading strategy, the Best Stochastic Trading Strategy — Easy 6 Step Strategy. It might be more suitable for your own needs. This strategy performs the same and is suitable for trading other asset classes like stocks, futures, options, etc.
Throughout this article, you’ll learn the effectiveness of this pattern the strengths and the weakness. You’ll also learn how to efficiently trade the Forex harmonic patterns. This ability to consistently repeat makes the Forex harmonic patterns attractive for our team at Trading Strategy Guides. We also have training on how to trade with the Gartley pattern.
Before we get started, let’s look at what indicators we need to successfully trade the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy:
If you aren’t that great on geometry most standard Forex trading platform comes with a harmonic pattern indicator. This can help you spot and measure the Forex harmonic pattern. The Forex harmonic patterns use the Fibonacci numbers to define accurate trading points.
TradingView Platform: Harmonic Pattern Indicator
The harmonic pattern indicator allows you to call market turning points with a high level of accuracy. Check out the Price Action Pin Bar Trading Strategy if you don’t have prior knowledge of how a reversal trading strategy looks.
Let’s now jump into the rules of the AHPT trading strategy.
Note*: Moving forward, we’ll be focusing on the Butterfly harmonic pattern. This is one of the most common Forex harmonic patterns.
What is the Butterfly harmonic pattern?
In technical analysis, the Butterfly harmonic pattern is a reversal pattern composed of four legs. A leg is a swing wave movement that connects and is composed of a swing high and a swing low. Here is how to identify the right swing to boost your profit.
Butterfly harmonic pattern rules summary:
- AB= 0.786 or 78.6% retracement of the XA swing leg;
- BC= minimum 38.2% — maximum 88.6% of AB swing leg;
- CD= minimum 1.618 – maximum 2.618 of AB swing leg;
- CD=minimum 1.272% — maximum 1.618% of XA swing leg;
Defining the Butterfly harmonic pattern.
The Butterfly harmonic pattern depends upon the B point. It defines the structure and sets up the other measurements within the pattern to define the trade opportunities. To the Butterfly pattern the B point, it must possess a precise 78.6% retracement of the XA swing. Other rules that redefine the structure further includes the BC projection that must be at least 1.618 measurements.
Also, the Butterfly pattern must include an equivalent AB=CD pattern. It’s a minimum requirement. However, the alternate 1.27AB=CD is more common for this structure.
The 1.27XA projection is the most critical number in the potential reversal zones. And, finally, the C point must be within the range of 0.382-0.886 retracement.
You can start drawing the butterfly pattern as soon as you have the first two legs of the pattern. Once you have the points X, A and B, you can begin monitoring the price action. You can look for confirmation that the wave C conforms to the Butterfly pattern rules.
The Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy Rules
Now it’s the time to reveal the Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy rules. We’ll start with the most exciting part. This is always the entry point and continue down with the rules for the stop loss and take profit orders.
There is one important thing that we need to learn before to actually define the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy rules. This is to give you indications on how to apply the Harmonic pattern indicator.
Step #1 How to apply the Harmonic Pattern Indicator
I would walk you through this process step by step. All you need to do is to follow this simple guide. See figure below for a better understanding of the process:
- First, click on the harmonic pattern indicator which can be located on the right-hand side toolbar of the TradingView platform. In the MT4 terminal, you can locate the harmonic pattern indicator in the Indicators library.
- Identify on the chart the starting point X, which can be any swing high or low point on the chart.
- Once you’ve located your first swing high/low point you simply have to follow the market swing wave movements.
- You need to have 4 points or 4 swing high/low points that bind together and form the Forex harmonic patterns. Every swing leg must be validated and abide by the harmonic pattern strategy rules as presented above.
Now, we’re going to give the entry rules for the bullish Butterfly harmonic pattern.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Buy Entry
Ideally, as a trader, you would like to enter at the completion of point D. As we established earlier, the point D of the Butterfly Forex harmonic pattern can develop anywhere between 1.27 – 1.618 Fibonacci extension of A leg. Since the market is not a perfect place, we’ll initiate a buy order once the markets hit the 1.27 Fibonacci extension.
In the above example, we entered at 1.272 Fibonacci extension, but we can already see point D extend to 1.573 Fibonacci extension. This is still inside the 1.272 – 1.618 range that validates the bullish Butterfly harmonic pattern.
That’s still a great entry level.
Where to place your protective stop loss is the next logical question.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Stop Loss
For the Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern, you normally want to place your protective stop loss below the 1.618 Fibonacci extension of the XA leg. That’s the logical place to hide your stop loss. This is because any break below will automatically invalidate the Butterfly harmonic pattern.
So far, we defined the proper entry point and the stop loss location for the Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy. Now, it’s time to switch our focus and define where to take the profits.
Bullish Butterfly Harmonic Pattern – Take Profit
Adding multiple take profits with the AHPT trading strategy will enhance further your trading experience. and will influence the expected profitability because this will almost guarantee you’ll bank in a profit. The Forex harmonic patterns, while they are a reliable pattern, you want to be very aggressive with your profit target.
As the saying goes: “No one has gone broke by taking a profit”
So, where do you take your first partial profit?
See figure below:
The Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy has a more conservative first partial profit target established at Point B. Normally this is the place where you will expect to find some resistance on the way back up because it’s an important swing point.
We want to close the second part of our trade once we hit the 0.618 Fibonacci retracement of the CD leg. You can even aim for a retest of point A. Although that can be your next target once you become more experienced with the harmonic pattern indicator.
Have a look at the chart below:
Note** The above was an example of a BUY trade using the Bullish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern. Use the same rules for the Bearish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern for a SELL trade. In the figure below you can see an actual SELL trade example. You can do this using the Bearish Butterfly Forex Harmonic Pattern.
Don’t be discouraged if this chart may look confusing at first look. Study the above rules and you’ll find this trade example follows the strategy rules perfectly.
For all Forex harmonic patterns, and trading in general, precision is the key. This is because we eliminate mistakes when we’re as precise as possible. The Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy gives us the highest probabilities for success. The great thing about the Forex harmonic patterns is they recognize areas where supply and demand come into focus. If you’re a fan of supply and demand trading, read Supply and Demand Trading — Learn about Market Movement. It is a great preface to supply and demand trading.
Thank you for Reading!
Please Leave a comment below if you have any questions about this strategy!
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Harmonic Pattern Indicator
Harmonic Pattern Indicator is designed to determine patterns Gartley Butterfly, which was first described by Harold Hartley in the author’s book «Profit on the Stock Exchange» in 1935. Gartley Butterfly Pattern feature is that it is a model that has certain exact contours and mathematical relationships. That is, here we have to deal with the Fibonacci levels.
Characteristics of Harmonic Pattern Indicator
- Platform: Metatrader4
- Currency pairs: Any
- Trading Time: Any
- Timeframe: Any, recommended H1 and higher
- Recommended broker: Alpari, RoboForex
Harmonic Pattern Indicator finds the on the chart pattern and additionally shows in the upper right corner of the entry point, targets for the Take Profit and level for Stop Loss:
In the archives Harmonic_Pattern_Indicator.rar:
- Harmonic Pattern Indicator.ex4
- Harmonic Pattern Indicator.tpl
Free Download Harmonic Pattern Indicator
Hello Daniel,,
I recently installed your Harmonic Pattern Indicator on my MetaTrader4 platform. I love the ABC pattern and the fact I can see the trend inside the triangles and also the take profit and stop loss on the right hand side of the chart.
The triangle gives me a visual view of where the price is going and when it might be safe to enter a trade. I have won a few trades, as well as I have made some losses. But before I came across your system my losses were many times more.
I now have a disturbing problem and wonder if you can give me some advise. I have attached the indicator on about eight currency pairs on my chart but your indicators only show up on certain time frames frames.on certain currency pairs. eg The triangles only appear on the daily time frame on the USDCHF. If I went down to say a 4hr time frame I would get a blank chart with nothing on it apart from the candle sticks and it’s the same for all other time frames. The AudYen is a bit better apart from the daily time frame where the indicator disappears. EurGbp is also another problem, the triangles appear only on the 4hr time frame, all other time frames the chart goes blank. I am having this problem with other currency pairs.
Finally, Here is another problem I am experiencing. Say I have got five currency pairs set up with both the triangles flapping away and with the stop loss and take profit levels on the right. A few hours later may be four or five all the indicators disappear from a currency pair and it could be any currency pair. It happened on the EurDollar and when I tried to re-attach the Harmonic Pattern Indicator back on to the chart nothing happens. and this is the same for the Gbpusd, AusDollar and many more.
My question is could the fault be with my Brokers platform?
Harmonic MT4 Indicator – How to trade Harmonic Patterns correctly
The Harmonic MT4 Indicator is a trading strategy for the Forex market which is based on Fibonacci retracement numbers. The Harmonic pattern on the MT4 is actually a pattern which comprises of 5 similar patterns: the Gartley pattern, the butterfly, the crab and the bat. These patterns all have the characteristic shape listed as follows:
- The “W” version which is the bearish version. This pattern is preceded by an uptrend and ends with a downward reversal.
- The “M” version which is the bullish version. This pattern is preceded by a downtrend and ends with an upward reversal.
The pattern is made up of Fibonacci numbers and has five points: X, A, B, C and D. That is why it is sometimes called the XABCD pattern. The pattern starts at point X and ends at point D from where the defining trade is implemented.
The key difference between all the harmonic patterns mentioned above lies in the Fibonacci numbers used in the calculation of points XABCD. Thus some patterns would look like they are standing on the left side (with point D located at a higher horizontal level than point X), and other variations may see the pattern look like it is standing on the right side (with point D at a lower horizontal level than point X).
So what the Harmonic MT4 Indicator does is to look for any of these patterns on a chart, draw them with a colour and present the relevant key areas so that the trader is able to take the trade. The most important factor is that no matter what type of harmonic pattern is traced by the indicator, the trade principles remain the same.
Harmonic MT4 Indicator Strategy and Trading Rules
The indicator is applied to the chart. When it appears, it will trace any of the four harmonic patterns in the shape of an “M” shaped Harmonic pattern (buy) or a “W” shaped Harmonic (sell). The pattern ends with an arrow which usually points in the direction where the trader is expected to set the trade.
The trading rules for this pattern as shown by the indicator are as follows:
Harmonic MT4 Indicator – Short Trade Entry Rules
For this short entry example, we will illustrate how to trade the “Bat” version of the harmonic pattern. Notice how the pattern looks like the wings of a bat.
Harmonic MT4 Indicator – Bullish and Bearish Patterns
The short trade entry signal occurs when the following is seen on the charts:
- The Harmonic Patterns MT4 Indicator.ex4 draw a bat-shaped Harmonic pattern, which is distinguished from the rest of the pattern by a pre-determined blue colour.
- The starting point of the downward reversal is at point D, which is a 0.886 retracement of line XA. The trader should enter a SHORT trade at the open of the next candle.
Opening a Short Trade with the Harmonic MT4 Indicator
A close look at the chart above shows that the indicator has drawn a blue outline around the characteristic “W” shaped bat Harmonic pattern. Point D is lower than X and point C is higher than A.
Stop Loss and Take Profit Settings
The Stop Loss is set a few pips above the high of the candle which marks the end of the Harmonic pattern at point D.
The Take Profit point should be set at any point along the price path, guided by the nearest support and should be at least two times the stop loss distance in pips.
Harmonic MT4 Indicator Long Entry Trading Rules
For the long trade example, we look at another type of harmonic pattern, which is bullish Butterfly pattern. The butterfly is different from the bat pattern, as it aims to pick up new highs for a short trade and new lows for a long trade. Hence, point D is always at a lower level than point X and point C is always lower than A. Point B must always be a 78.6 retracement of the line which runs from X to A.
The long trade entry signal occurs when the following setup is seen on the charts:
- The Harmonic MT4 Indicator draw an “M” shaped butterfly harmonic pattern, which is distinguished from the rest of the pattern by a blue colour.
- Once the candle marking the end of the Harmonic pattern has closed (buy zone circled on chart below), the trader should enter a LONG trade at the open of the next candle.
Harmonic MT4 Indicator – Long Trade Entry
Stop Loss and Take Profit Settings
The Stop Loss is set a few pips below the lowest price of the candle on which the red box at point D is encircling. The Take Profit point should be set at a point where there is a prior resistance, and should be at least two times the distance of the stop loss in pips.
Precautions when trading with the Harmonic MT4 Indicator
The trader’s only precaution should be to allow the pattern to form fully, and to allow the price action complete its move to point D before executing the trades. It is not necessary to master the Fibonacci ratios on which the pattern is based. Trades can also be protected with the use of a Trailing Stop, once the trade has significantly moved into profit territory.
Harmonic MT4 Indicator – Recommended Time Frames
Technically speaking, you can use this MT4 indicator for all time frames. However, the shorter the time frame, you will see more fluctuation and possibly more whipsaw which may cause small losses that can eat up your portfolio quickly. We recommend that you use higher time frames like the 4H for better consistency.
How to trade with Harmonic Patterns V >
How to trade with Harmonic Patterns Video Tutorial
Harmonic MT4 Indicator Download
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